Below are some testimonials from clients…
“About thirty years ago, I had a slipped disk, a herniated bulge pressing on the nerve. The doctors said that it could have paralyzed me if I didn’t have surgery. I had bedrest at home for a month and then I was afraid to walk anywhere. It was a tough year, and if the pain came back, I would have to have surgery. But Barbara, you encouraged me that I could do it. I know you gave me a few scriptures and told me stories of people that had overcome their problems through prayer, and… I did!
You and I began walking in my kitchen, and then you encouraged me down the hallway, and then out to the mailbox. Then you’d come another day and we’d walk from the mailbox down the street. The more we walked the less the atrophy happened. Each time you came it was a little bit longer walk, a few more steps, and by the end of the summer I was walking around my neighborhood, and over to yours! Then we’d have a cup of tea and walk back. The doctor thought it was remarkable and I never had to have the surgery. I sleep through the night now without pain; the pain never came back.
It was a spiritual experience for me. Somehow you were able to incorporate the ideas into my thought that my movement comes from Spirit and is reliable and strong and sure. You used to say, “Linda, I know you can do this…let’s just take a couple more steps.
Then a few years ago my grandson, John’s new baby, was in the hospital. I called you and we prayed for John’s little baby and I was able to clear my mind of all the negative thoughts I was thinking, and then the good news happened that John’s baby was fine. I still think about you whenever I begin to think that the worst is going to happen… what would Barbara do? She would turn this around to a positive way of looking at it. And now I try to come out on the other side of the fear… and each time I have. That really is a wonderful gift.”
Linda Craig, Maple Grove Minnesota
“Dear Barb, I am just remembering the Brunch you invited me to last Easter. That day and your kind concern started me on a journey that has made my life into what I have always wanted. It took a few months here but things have changed so dramatically it is a revelation.
I know I can pinpoint it to the day you listened to my story and were such a good friend. We walked along the wintery shore and shared life stories.
Not too long ago I found a write up of what I truly wanted, written in 2009 I was amazed to find I had all that I had wished to be found in that note. I attached it here for you. Your positive spirit and prayers of certainty added to my hopes and it all came true. I will always be grateful that you were there for me, an answer to my prayers. Continue your good works and I hope much happiness comes your way this year.”
Linda Shepherd, Dunedin Florida (previously of Lake Bluff, Illinois)